I look forward to the New Year. I have a anther joyful day. It's a year-end dinner party day. I'll hold it with a part time job's members. I have a class till Decenber 22th. We will hold party at that day night. We will eat from a pot at the table. We are eating as much as we like and drink as much as we like. The prices is 3000 yen. I think usual prices. I became 20 years of age this year, so I am going to drink as much. I am enxious to come day .

picture by 冬のイラスト素材集・冬の行事、冬の行楽などのイラスト
What kind of part-time job do you have?
返信削除My part-time job is staff of TIES.
返信削除Do you know the TIES?
Yes, I've registered to the TIES. It stands for Tezukayama International Education System. Right? That's why I'm a member of EWII. So, do you get paid by the university? What kind of things do you do as a staff of TIES?
返信削除Not "international" but "internet"?
返信削除Party that you will hold sound happy. Enjoy! TIES's staff is a good part-time job,isn't it?
返信削除My work is editing video or teaching materials on TIES by use internet.
返信削除I think that TIES is good job.